Wendy's Profile

Bradenton, Florida, United States

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Construction Lending - Worldwide

2008 has been an incredible year of change in our capital markets. Wall Street has all but closed shop to commercial lending.
Cascade Financial has worked diligently to secure to the A rated lenders who are and will be in the game in the future, including a very well established syndicator/fund in Orlando,as well as a hard money lender that is the only one in the US actually closing loans for hard money.

Many of our clients have experienced this change first hand and found themselves without any direction as to where to obtain funding until they found Cascade Financial & Co. With our direct relationships with our lenders, for new construction and hard money, our clients have been able to fully fund their projects at up to 100% LTC.

Our direct lenders will lend in many markets, the US, Latin America, Europe, the Carribean, Russia, and many others.
Contact us today to have a complete review of your project.
Resorts, casinos, marinas, high rises, commercial strips, energy projects, commodities are all fundable projects.
WendyAbner@msn.com www.callcascade.com